- Where is Greenlane’s corporate headquarters?
Greenlane is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.
- What is Greenlane’s ticker symbol and where does it trade?
Greenlane’s stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the ticker symbol “GNLN”.
- How do I invest in Greenlane?
Greenlane stock can be purchased through the brokerage service of your choice.
- Can I purchase stock directly from Greenlane?
Greenlane does not have a direct purchase plan but can be purchased through the brokerage service of your choice.
- What is Greenlane’s CUSIP?
The CUSIP for Greenlane is 395330 103.
- Who is Greenlane's transfer agent?
EQ Shareowner Services
PO Box 64874
St Paul, MN 55164
T: 800-401-1957- Who are Greenlane's auditors?
PKF O’Connor Davies
- Does Greenlane pay dividends?
Greenlane has not paid dividends, and does not currently have a formal dividend policy.
- When does Greenlane's fiscal year end?
Greenlane’s fiscal year end is December 31.
- How can I sign up for email alerts for investor materials from Greenlane?
To sign up for email alerts, please submit your email address on the “Email Alerts” page on the Investors section of Greenlane’s website.
- How do I contact Investor Relations?
You can contact Investor Relations by emailing investor@gnln.com.